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Curso de Inglés para Turismo - Lesson 4

Temas de esta lección

En la Lectura de esta unidad el tema consiste en brindar información sobre el vuelo antes del despegue.

En cuanto al Vocabulario, veremos palabras y expresiones útiles para realizar un anuncio, en especial los anuncios que se hacen en el avión. También podrás aprender el vocabulario relativo a los aviones y las partes de un avión.

En la parte de Gramática, aprenderás las estructuras utilizadas para dar órdenes en inglés.

Finalmente, podrás practicar lo aprendido con la serie de Ejercicios interactivos de autoevaluación.


Exercise 3

Read the text and answer the questions.

Flight attendants

Once up in the air, flight attendants will usually serve drinks and/or food to passengers. When not performing customer service duties, flight attendants must periodically conduct cabin checks and listen for any unusual noises or situations. Checks must also be done on the lavatory to ensure the smoke detector hasn't been deactivated and to restock supplies as needed.

Regular cockpit checks must be done to ensure the pilot's health and safety. They must also respond to call lights dealing with special requests. During turbulence, flight attendants must ensure the cabin is secure.

Prior to landing all loose items, trays and rubbish must be collected and secured along with service and galley equipment. All hot liquids must be disposed of. A final cabin check must then be completed prior to landing. It is vital that flight attendants remain aware as the majority of emergencies occur during takeoff and landing.

Upon landing, flight attendants must remain stationed at exits and monitor the airplane and cabin as passengers disembark the plane. They also assist any special-needs passengers and small children off the airplane and escort children, while following the proper paperwork and ID process to escort them to the designated person picking them up.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the  Wikipedia article "Flight attendant". You can explore more on the Wikipedia website. The text is used here only for educational purposes.


Questions about the text

1. Flight attendants must check for unusual situations.
It's not said on the text.

 2. Flight attendants have to ensure the pilot's safety.
It's not said on the text.

 3. Flight attendants must respond to telephone calls.
It's not said on the text.

 4. Upon landing, flight attendants must remain seated.
It's not said on the text.

 5. Flight attendants accompany small children travelling alone through the immigration process.
It's not said on the text.

Ejercicio de vocabulario
Comienza la próxima lección

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